Eco-Friendly Acai & Tagua Seeds


These are seeds that grow in a palm tree (Euterpe Olaracea) in Peru’s Amazons and other jungle areas of South America.

ACAI or ASAI’s pulp (berry) surrounding these seeds has long been processed and consumed by Amazonian native people since the Pre-Columbian era, 13th century, becoming an important food for the Amazonian’s diet and it is known for its health benefits.

Ivory is the natural color of these seeds, which are easily dyed, becoming unusual beautiful and unique beads. THEY ARE NATURAL, ORGANIC AND THEREFORE ECO-FRIENDLY MATERIAL for designing beautiful Bracelets, Necklaces, and Earrings. 


It is a seed that grows in the tropical mountains of Peru and South America, "THE VEGETABLE IVORY".

Originally TAGUA seed was used in the production of buttons, cane handles, and combs but later after the Industrial Revolution; Tagua was replaced by plastic.

TAGUA seed is coming back, its beautiful color, its organic composition makes it an ECO-FRIENDLY MATERIAL.

Repurposing these beads we are contributing with to the elimination  of the pollution in the Amazons AND creating beautiful handmade jewelry.